AT Skog and NorStone plan to jointly issue a 5-year Contract of Affreightment with more than 750.000 tons cargo annually. They need low emission services from January 2025. You can find all updated information about the tender process here.
AT Skog and NorStone plan to jointly issue a 5-year Contract of Affreightment with more than 750.000 tons cargo annually. They need low emission services from January 2025. You can find all updated information about the tender process here.
AT Skog and NorStone will collaborate on logistics due to attractive synergies in the Boknafjord on the Westcoast of Norway. Both companies pursue green shipping solutions and want to support the renewal of green self-discharger vessels in Norway.
AT Skog and NorStone plan to jointly issue a 5-year Contract of Affreightment with more than 750.000 tons cargo annually. They need low emission services from January 2025. They offer cargo for full employment of a 3-4000 dwt ship on full roundtrips, and more than 750 000 tons cargo annually to allow for flexible utilization of a diverse fleet.
The cargo owners have the ambition to facilitate a fleet renewal and have a coastal fleet of zero-emission bulk carriers. They realize that the path to zero-emission transport will be gradual. As a first step in the tender process, they invite the shipping community to an open dialogue of how to achieve real emission reductions in a long-term Contract of Affreightment (COA). The dialogue is initiated by responding to the Request for Interest (RFI) by June 2022.
AT Skog is a cooperative for forest owners in the Southwestern and Southern Norway. AT Skog is planning a new factory on Fiskå, producing animal feed from wood molasses. This will require regular transport of timber throughout the year.
NorStone is one of Norway’s largest producers of aggregates and part of HeidelbergCement Norway. NorStone has several quarries and transports yearly 1.5 million tons by sea. Cargoes from Tau, Jelsa, and Årdal combine well with the timber to Fiskå.
The trading area is illustrated to the right and described below.
1. Low ballast roundtrips based around Tau, Jelsa, Årdal and Fiskå.
2. Volumes within the Trondheim – Oslo range.
3. Cargoes to and from Northern Norway as well as export to Northern Europe.
Note: m3 meaning scbm – solid cubic meters
The timeline for the tender process is illustrated below.
The process is facilitated by Green Shipping Programme (GSP). If you have any questions or suggestions do not hesitate to contact us.
NorStone and AT Skog will jointly issue a 5-year Contract of Affreightment with more than 750.000 tons cargo annually. We seek ambitious and realistic solutions and invite the shipping community to give their input before issuing our tender.
As cargo owners, our ultimate goal is to facilitate a fleet renewal and to have a coastal fleet of zero emission bulk carriers. We realize that the path to zero emission transports will be gradual and invite you for input on how to best achieve this common goal.
NorStone and AT Skog invite suppliers to give input both on how to improve the emissions on existing ships as well as how to facilitate newbuildings with low or zero emissions.
This is the first step in a tender process to find partners who can provide the requested service from 2025, with a clear plan to reduce emissions and finally launch a zero emission vessel within the contract period.
The GSP[1] Service Centre for Green Fleet Renewal will assist in the tender and selection process as well as in dialogue with authorities and funding organisations.
NorStone and AT Skog need low emission services from January 2025. There is cargo for full employment of a 3-4000 dwt ship on full roundtrips, and more than 500 000 t cargo in addition to allow for flexible utilization of a diverse fleet.
The case will be explained in a Teams meeting Wednesday May 25th 2022, 9:30 – 11:00.
· Introduction
· AT Skog cargoes
· NorStone and other HeidelbergCement cargoes
· Combination of cargoes
· Request for Interest
· Green solutions
· Enova support
· Q&A
[1] Green Shipping Programme, https://grontskipsfartsprogram.no/
Project mail for all requests: atskog-norstone@dnv.com
Lars Erik Marcussen
Project Manager Logistics HeidelbergCement North Europe
Mobile +47 907 08 816
Mail: larserik.marcussen@heidelbergcement.com
John Elter
Team leader Market/Logistics West AT Skog
Mobile: +47 905 91 028
Mail: john.elter@atskog.no
Pernille Mølbak – Project Manager
Customer responsible GSP
Mobile: +47 909 35 000
Mail: ATSkog-NorStone@dnv.com